Customer Testimonials

In this video, you’ll discover how Purposeful Design left an indelible mark on MISO Energy’s Kristen Mount. She highlights their journey, which began when a colleague introduced her to David Palmer, the owner of Purposeful Design. Kristen expresses their commitment to supporting local vendors and small businesses.

Courtney Bell, an interior designer at Ball State, shares the story of how Purposeful Design played a crucial role in revolutionizing their newest dining facility on campus. With a commitment to providing students with diverse seating options and a unique ambiance, Courtney knew that off-the-shelf furniture wouldn’t suffice.

Duncan Student Center-1

Purposeful Design produces custom, repurposed wood tables, but it’s more than a company: It’s a fast-growing ministry that provides jobs to once-homeless men, transforming their lives. That meaningful mission aligns well with Notre Dame’s, as both entities strive to be forces for good in the world.

What Our Customers Are Saying...